Finally we’re getting somewhere.
I’ve hired an artist and I now have a basic tileset that looks better than a bunch of colored blocks. The above is still a work in progress and there have been more changes since taking this initial screenshot, but otherwise I think it’s looking pretty good.
Another change is adding a reputation system between the player and NPCs in the game. For example, helping an NPC with their office work will improve your reputation with them, while ignoring or insulting them will cause a decrease in reputation. A positive reputation with an NPC will make more more willing to work with you (or do other, non-work related tasks), while a negative reputation can result in a lot of mean rumors being spread, or simply a more direct approach towards eliminating someone they hate…
Some other changes this week:
- Replaced passwords with keycards since people have enough passwords to remember already
- Added more dialogue options and reputation system for player and NPCs
- Reworking UI to be more modular
Game of the Week
The original Metal Gear for the MSX2 is a janky, annoying mess of a game. But this was in the era were nobody knew how to make a good game yet, and Generation X was willing to look past all the flaws just to have something fun to do. I’ve never played any MGS games so I find this to be a decent starter to the series. It can only go up from here, after all.