Devlog 16: Loading

Game is now at the point where a menu and save/load system is needed to record and keep track of progress. Hardest part is fighting with JSON which is a computer-friendly format for reading and writing to but a pain to work with yourself. Make sure you count all these curly braces and indentations correctly or you’ll have a one-way ticket to JSON hell. So far it’s about halfway there, saving is done and working but loading will still need a bit more work.

Art for the second map is also being worked on, a few more tweaks and I should have two decent-looking levels to play on.

Some of the highlights:

  • Added main menu
  • Adding save/load system
  • Reworked tilesets to fit the game world more

Game of the Week

Running with Rifles is a top-down military shooter where the gameplay consists of running forwarding, shooting a guy, dying, and respawning until the round ends 20 minutes later. That doesn’t mean it isn’t fun though, as there’s a whole in-game economy and leveling system which I don’t really see a point in getting involved in. It’s like if Red Orchestra didn’t take itself too seriously. Overall it’s pretty fun.

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