A lot of this week was spend on very tedious and boring tasks; things that you as a player will never pay much attention to, but if I didn’t do them you would notice them instantly. In this case it was making individual props out of the tilesets I had mad (since Godot tilesets don’t let you modify individual tiles in a tileset) and making the fonts on interfaces more readable.
Some of the highlights:
- Made additional props out of other maps/tilesets
- Changed font for computer interfaces
- Fixed issues related to navigation for NPCs on different floors
- Miscellaneous UI changes
- Added additional dialogue options for talking with NPCs during lunchtime
I also had the chance to demo my game to someone else for the first time, and got some good feedback on what worked/didn’t work for him. I also started a kanban board to keep track of everything that needs to get done before my October deadline (it’s a lot). It’s a good motivator for getting things done.
Game of the Week
I don’t really care for sports game. But SSX Tricky is an exception. It’s the best snowboarding game ever made, bar none. Go buy a PS2/Xbox/Gamecube and play it right now. There is nothing I can say that will do it justice. From how smooth and fluid the controls are, to the characters, to the tracks, to the music, it’s a masterpiece of sport games and it’s a shame that nothing has come close to it since.