Devlog 39: Consolidating

The first half of the week was spent writing dialogue through day 5. Considering the amount of branching paths and options that are available to the player, how they each need to connect with each other, and ensuring that the dialogue is actually good, it gets very tiresome very quickly. But I pounded most of it out to have a basic set of dialogue for five days. There’s only a few more conversations left to add, and then it will be ready. Make it exist first, then make it good.

I also tried to do a playthrough of the game while taking note of each thing that bothered me as it appeared instead of immediately ignoring or forgetting about it. And what I found out is that everything is broken. But that’s OK because most of them are very small, easy fixes or stuff I’ve been putting off for far too long.

The highlights:

  • Added additional dialogue
  • Rearranged level
  • Added options menu with rebindable controls and display options
  • Several bug fixes and general improvements to gameplay

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