Most of the week was spent refining the guard AI and adding additional sounds for a lot of different objects in the world. There was also a lot of UI work done, including rearranging certain elements and making them more understandable or easier to see.
Here’s a quick rundown:
- Modified guard AI
- Guards now reliably avoid each other
- Guards now move in a more predictable pattern to make it easier for the player to avoid them, fixing frustrating scenarios where guards would instantly turn around or rotate the “wrong” direction
- Guards alert other guards when they spot the player
- Guards stop pursuing the player after they lose track, but are then in an “alert” state where they move faster and are more cautious
- If on alert, guards will occasionally look behind them when patrolling
- Guards can investigate suspicious noises
- UI changes
- Sound meter now looks much better and conveys how much noise the player is making
- Slight changes to light meter
- Player footstep noises now sync with their sprite frames
- Changed guard hiring process
- Replaced previous experience with interview notes, which conveys a better idea of how much the guard cares about the job
- Added various sounds for gunshots, reloading, world ambience, UI, and many others