Most of the week was spent working on the character scripts, and it is very quickly stacking up to be a large endeavor. There are at least four separate outcomes at the moment, and most character needs scripts written for each event. While it’s not hard, it gets to be very tedious and time-consuming trying to come up with good dialogue and making sure they all play in the correct order depending on what events have occurred. You don’t want dead characters talking, or characters acting nonchalant when one of their coworkers has been killed.
Hint hint.
The highlights:
- Expanded character dialogue through day 3
- Added classified documents
- Finished character sprites
At this point, to meet my March deadline, I’m focused on getting a path all the way through to the end of the first week, no matter how rough or buggy it is (and it will be very, very buggy).
I’m also working with an artist to get character sketches done, and so far the results are very promising. By mid-February there should be completed character art to help bring the game to life.
The latter part of the week was also spent on the Global Game Jam, where I was part of a small group of devs and artists to create a bubble-themed game (as per the event theme) in Godot (the best engine). It was a nice break from staring at the same project every day and helped me remember a few things I had forgotten.
I’ve also been throwing around some ideas in my head for the game I want after this. It’s still a long way off, but the current working title is Encore. That’s all you’re getting for now, because that’s all there is.
Dang dude! We get to play this in March?