We do a little branding

Vegas Interactive logo on a black background

You like it? I do.

I’ve wanted an official logo for a while now, and I knew in my head exactly how I wanted it to look. So after paying someone on Upwork and saying “make my logo for me” they got it done, and I am VERY impressed with how it turned out. A few personal edits later, and this site now has official branding, logos, favicons, and a new theme that actually looks good. But most importantly, it means I can create social media accounts and start getting the word out for real.

Right now there’s an Instagram, YouTube, and itch.io page. An account for the site formerly known as Twitter will have to wait because the account I made was immediately locked for setting my birthdate to 1-1-24. I’ll share it once it’s up and ready though.

As for the game-in-progess-that-doesn’t-have-a-name-yet, work is still ongoing and I would like to have a playable, decent-looking demo by October for a couple of local conventions in the area. It can be a bit difficult to find the balance between the expectation of “The game will have THIS and THIS and THIS and it will have REAL ART that looks GOOD” and the reality of “I can barely write ‘Hello World’ in Python and I can’t draw a circle in Paint”, but I like to think I’m still working within the limits of what I can do while still learning something new.

More to come. Twitter X account soon.

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