Devlog 32: Interrogating

Most of the week was spent on setting up the guard AI, so that whoever the player hires will patrol around the office to preset locations, searching for intruders. If they spot someone, they will chase them down and attack them until they’ve been incapacitated. Or maybe things won’t go as they planned…

The highlights for this week:

  • Expanded guard AI, guard now patrols and purses the player if they come within range and are sufficiently visible. If the player is chased down by the guard, they will be tased and incapacitated, resulting in a game over. The player can grab guards from behind and interrogate them for information.
  • Added game over screen
  • Fixed issues related to saving/loading games
  • Fixed issues related to camera detection
  • Rearranged UI and added slot for equipped weaponry

One thought on “Devlog 32: Interrogating

  1. I like the style so far; reminds me of Hotline Miami mixed with Metal Gear with the stealth elements, or maybe some of the old school Resident Evil games with the inventory. Anyway, I’m glad to see that things are continuing to progress!

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