Devlog 33: Swiping

A new year has begun. Again. I don’t know why this keeps happening.

It’s now been over a year since I started this site and about nine months since I started making these devlogs (which three people read). It’s been a nice learning experience, both with Godot and the game development process in general. Programming is not “hard” per se but very tedious. Art is hard. Sound and music is hard. Making a fun game is hard. But by the end of this year the game will be released, and I can get feedback on what needs to be done to make it better, im[proving on the good parts and fixing or removing the bad ones. I am cautiously optimistic.

With all that being said, not much was done this week as it was mostly spent on vacation and taking a break from things. But I did get a few things done:

  • Added card reader
  • Changed keycard graphics
  • Simplified night tasks
  • Improved music tracks

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